Visoka poslovna škola za tržišne komunikacije - Agora

College of market communications Agora

College of market communications Agora – College of AGORA from Zagreb is an accredited private institution of higher education. Since December 2003, when it was founded, or more precisely from the academic year 2004 / 2005, College of market communications Agora from Zagreb implements undergraduate professional study programmes of market communication management and market communication design and a graduate professional study programme of creative market communication management. These major professional profiles include a number of specialisations – from client managers, campaign managers, art directors, producers, media planners, conception writers, PR assistants, event managers, brand managers, client service directors, to, of course, creative directors.

The time of creatives has arrived – they study at Agora!

Creativity will, there is no doubt, be the moving force of social and economic changes in the 21st century, first of all in creative industries that owe the most to the development of the knowledge economy, economy in that increasing importance is being given to innovation, research, investments into ICT (Information as communication technologies), education and lifelong learning. That is why 'navigation' through the areas of creative industries, even through just one sector such as market communications, becomes a first-class assignment. On one hand, it is necessary to familiarise oneself with the geometry of architecture of cultural industries whose pillars are the creative world, creative identities and creative praxis but also creative cities, creative businesses and, of course, creative economy. On the other hand, creative industries, just like irregularities on the surface of some scenery, cannot be recognised by merely passing over them or by merely sightseeing them, they have to be seen from a bird's perspective – as larger forms, more elevated than the horizons closest to them. In its origin, the concept of creative industries marks the conceptual and practical merging of creative arts (individual talents) with cultural industries (mass use) in the context of new media technologies (ICT) situated in the vastness of the new knowledge economy with newly arising interactive citizens – consumers. By hiring a larger number of experts from agency and economic praxis we have reached a full orientation of our hired experts towards the taken lecture obligations and work with students.

Development orientation of AGORA

Development of AGORA is oriented both towards the new educational technologies – for the first time in Croatia we implement the APPLE learning model 'ONE STUDENT. ONE MACBOOK.' with the implementation of e-learning system on MOODLe – and towards professional and branch integrations in Croatia (with over 45 signed contracts on workshops) and in Europe. In 2008 AGORA became a full member of EFCCE- The European Foundation for Commercial Communications Education with headquarters in Brussels, and thereby Agora joins the academic company of famous faculties and colleges from Austria, Belgium, Germany, England, France, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy and Rumania, with the aim to achieve excellence in its activities within the branch of market communications, by achieving the international mobility of students and teachers in the European educational space, and by achieving the partnership with economic subjects in the realisation of projects in market communications.

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